Basic notions of Breton
Breton is a Celtic language of the Brittonic branch. It is the only Celtic language still spoken on the European mainland, though its origin is insular, like the other Celtic languages in Ireland and the British islands. It is very closely related to Cornish language. It is classified as an “endangered” language by the UNESCO.
Due to the French constitution, Breton language can’t be official. The article 75-1 of the constitution nevertheless specifies that the regional languages, and therefore the Breton language, are part of the French heritage.
Actually, 225 000 people speak Breton. About 20 000 pupils are learning Breton at school and 3 500 adults.
There are three educational systems for Breton language :
– The optional classes since 1959,
– The immersive classes since 1978. They are all in the private association network DIWAN,
– The bilingual classes, in the public (and therefore secular) schools and in the private (and mostly religious) schools, since 1981.
The adults can learn Breton :
– in intensive professional training of 3 or 6 months
– evening classes organized by associations and their volunteers or employees – by following courses organized over a weekend or a week
– with online courses
A few words and sentences in Breton
Hello : Demat !
How are you ? : Mat an traoù ganit? (singular) Mat an traoù ganeoc’h ? (plural) Mont a ra mat ganit ? (singular) Mont a ra mat ganeoc’h ? (plural)
I’m good. : Ya, mat-tre.
Nice weather today ! : Brav eo an amzer hiriv !
My name is …. : ….. eo ma anv. / Me zo-me ……….
Having a drink
Do you want a cup of coffee ? : Un tasad kafe ‘po ? / Un tasad kafe a yay ganeoc’h ? A cup of tea, a glass of water, of fruit juice, of beer, of wine : Un tasad te, ur banne dour, chuf-frouezh, bier, gwin.
Yes, please. : Ya, mar plij.
Here you are! : Setu !
Thank you : Trugarez
Cheers : Yec’hed mat !
Good bye : Kenavo
Numbers / Sifroù
0 : mann
1 : unan
2 : daou
3 : tri
4 : pevar
5 : pemp
6 : c’hwec’h
7 : seizh
8 : eizh
9 : nav
10 : dek
I love you : Da garout a ran.
Where ? : Pelec’h ?
Where is the pub? The restaurant ? The hotel ? : Pelec’h emañ an davarn ? Ar preti ? Al leti ? It’s near the post-office : E-tal an ti-post emañ.
It’s beside the bus station : E-kichen ar bus-arsav emañ.
It’s opposite the shop : A-dal ar stal emañ.
Where is it ? Pelec’h emañ ? / E-men emañ ?
On : war
Under : dindan
Above,/ over : a-us
Near : e-tal, e-kichen
In : e
Into : e-barzh
In front of : dirak
Behind : A-dreñv
Address / Chomlec’h
Where are you living ? : Pelec’h emaout o chom ?
I’m living in Brittany. : E Breizh emaon o chom.
My address is 6, station street : 6, straed an ti-gar eo ma chomlec’h.
Colours / Livioù
Black : Du
Blue : Glas
Brown : Gell
Green : Gwer
Orange : Orañjez
Pink : Roz
Purple : Mouk
Red : Ruz
White : Gwenn
Yellow : Melen
1. You’re going to visit your friend, whose address is « pemp, straed an ti-kêr ». Which one is the right house?
2. Your friend Lila opens the door. Can you fill the dialogue, helped by what you listen ?
Demat, Lila !
Mat an traoù ______________ ?
Ya, mont a ra mat ganin. Ha ganit ?
Mat-tre ! Brav eo ______________ hiriv.
3. You want to reserve a pizza for dinner. The number is : listen
□ 0631054627 □ 0756213498 □ 0684102984
4. You are going to the party tonight. There is a dress code : « Ruz ha melen » for women and « Glas ha gwer » for men.
Which clothes will you choose then ?
5. Which sentence goes with the pictures ?
1. A-dreñv an daol emañ ar c’hi.
2. A-us an daol emañ ar c’hi.
3. Dindan an daol emañ ar c’hi.
4. Dirak an daol emañ ar c’hi.
5. E-tal an daol emañ ar c’hi.
6. War an daol emañ ar c’hi.
6. Choose the right answer. What does « Kenavo » mean ?
□ Thank you
□ Goodbye
□ Please.
7. Associate the parts of sentences :
Setu ! bier a yay ganeoc’h ? Un tasad te mar plij. Ur banne mat deoc’h ! Ya, Ur banne bier ! Yec’hed ‘po ?
Answers :
1. You’re going to visit your friend, whose address is « pemp, straed an ti-kêr ». Which one is the right house?
1. Your friend Lila opens the door. Can you fill the dialogue, helped by what you listen ?
Demat, Lila !
Mat an traoù GANIT ?
Brav eo AN AMZER hiriv.
2. You want to reserve a pizza for dinner. The number is : listen
🗹 0631054627 □ 0756213498 □ 0684102984
3. You are going to the party tonight. There is a dress code : « Ruz ha melen » for women and « Glas ha gwer » for men. Which clothes will you choose then ?
4. Which sentence goes with the pictures ?
3. Dindan an daol emañ ar c’hi. |
6. War an daol emañ ar c’hi. |
4. Dirak an daol emañ ar c’hi. |
2. A-us an daol emañ ar c’hi. |
5. E-tal an daol emañ ar c’hi. |
1. A-dreñv an daol emañ ar c’hi. |
5. Choose the right answer. What does « Kenavo » mean ?
□ Thank you
🗹 Goodbye
□ Please.
6. Associate the parts of sentences :
Setu ! Ur banne bier ! Un tasad te ‘po ?
Ur banne bier a yay ganeoc’h ? Ya, mar pli.
Yec’hed mat deoc’h !