Unit 2. Brezhoneg. Bro gozh ma zadoù gant Perynn
Integration into the TITLE project:
Proposal 2 (vindictive music for high school: lyrics, music, vindictive themes, reflection on social issues) or 3 (song for high school tradition> the fable> the song> the rap).
1. Ni Breizhiz a galon
Karomp hon gwir vro
Karomp ar broioù all
A liamm kenetrezo
Va sevenadur din
A zo ganet amañ
Diwanet eo ‘lec’h all
Pinvidikoc’h bremañ
2. Petra eo bezañ Breton ?
Gwad glan, yezh-vamm, gwriziennoù don
Bezañ anvet Malo ha ganet e Roazhon
Pegsunioù war ar c’harr
Ur banniel gwenn-ha-du
Kendirvi e Lambaol
Chouchenn ha pik echu
3. An neb a gar a zo er gêr e Breizh Un
harzh war an douar
Ur vevenn en da benn
N’eus ket deus ur gwir vro
Nag eus unan gaou
Ma c’hallfes kompren an dra-se e vefe
nebeutoc’h a c’hlav
4. Breizh, douar ar sent kozh
Douar ar varzhed
Douar ar moc’h, douar saotret
Amoko, Erika, Torey Canyon chepakwa
Douar dister, mat da netra
Douar dizolo, distrujet, goloet, dismantret
Simant war an traezh
Douar disec’h, dour beuz
Ha tizh war an hentoù-treuz
5. Disrannet dre ar c’hoant
War un dro enoriñ
Tonioù, sonioù, kanoù hon hendadoù
Ha war un dro all ne vije ket fall
Distaliañ an daol
Ha tañva d’ur pladad all
6. Ar Vretoned a zo tud kalet ha kreñv
Met n’eus ket peadra da vezañ fier eus an
dra-se Ar pezh zo graet zo graet
N’eus ket tu mont war an tu all
Na sell ket en a-dreñv
Na chom ket da dortal
Poaniañ evit padout
Gounit da vuhez
Sevel mintin abred
Kregiñ ’barzh ha setu tout
7. Gerioù-stur ar re gozh
A dro em fenn e-pad an noz
Ha ma tibaban paouez
Nac’hañ dont da vezañ kozh
Ma tibaban un hent all
Ha pa vefe evit faziañ
En en gavout war un hent fall
Ha redek betek kouezhañ
Dilezet talvoud al labour
Ha nac’hañ da vezañ den-gour
Bugel laosk, fleb e lost
Hanter-gousket, krapet war e bost
O vagañ soñjoù du, o hunvreal
En ur c’hortoz
1. We Bretons at heart
love our country,
also love others,
the link that unites them
my own culture
was born here
it is born somewhere else
and is all the richer for it
2. What does it mean to be Breton?
Pure blood, mother tongue, deep roots
to be called Malo and born in Rennes?
stickers on your car
a gwenn ha du flag
cousins in Lambaol
chouchen and that’s it?
3. Whoever wants it is at home in Brittany
a border on the ground,
a limit in your head
there is no country that is
more real than another
if you could understand
it would probably rain less
4. Brittany, land of old saints,
land of bards
land of pigs, polluted land
Amoco, Erika, Torrey Canyon, whatever
land of misery, good for nothing
land laid bare, destroyed, covered, in
ruins, concrete on the sand
land of misery, flooded
crossed at full speed
5. Torn between the desire
to pay tribute
to the songs, the sounds,
the tunes of our fathers and at the same
time it would not be bad
to clear the table
and try another dish
6. The Bretons are rough
and strong people
there is nothing to be proud of
what is done is done
you can’t change the past
don’t look back
don’t stay and play
Endure to last
Earning a living
Get up early
Work hard and that’s it
7. The mottos of the ancients
run through my head all night long
and if I decided to stop
I refuse to grow up
if I choose another road
even if it means going the wrong way
go the wrong way
and run until I fall
No more work value
I refuse to grow up
Indolent child, impotent
sleepy, clinging to his post
he broods, he dreams
while waiting
Remembering & understanding
This teaching unit can be used early in the year. It could be also a reinforcement and applying module..
Mainly oral expression.
- Who is she / are they?
- Where is she / are they?
- What is she / are they doing?
The Breton national anthem Clichés about Brittany
Step 1 – Look at the clip
- Do they know this tune ?
- Are the lyrics the same ?
- What is unusual in this version?
Step 2 – Pictures and clichés
Describe the images taken from the film
People, clothes, places, activities
Clichés about Brittany | Clichés about rap |
Step 3 – Who is Perynn ?
You can offer your friend a Breton passport
It is necessary that the students know a bit of the original Breton anthem before this lesson.
We will work on oral comprehension and expression.
Step 1 – Look at the clip
- Note the words common to both versions.
- Search for new themes (global comprehension) and note them on the blackboard.
Step 2 – Watch parts of the clip
- Listen to the passage related to each theme and pick-up understood words and expressions. Fill in the blanks exercise.
- Fill in the table above and construct sentences orally.
Step 3 – Set up three groups
- Give each group a theme: fine understanding.
- Slam. Work on pronunciation and prosody.
Ar slam.
It is necessary that the students know a bit of the original Breton anthem before this lesson.
We will work on oral comprehension and expression.
Step 1 – Look at the clip
- Note the words common to both versions.
- Search for new themes (global comprehension) and note them on the blackboard.
Step 2 – Watch parts of the clip
- Listen to the passage related to each theme and pick-up understood words and expressions. Fill in the blanks exercise.
- Fill in the table above and construct sentences orally.
Step 3 – Analyzing an evaluating
- Set up groups. A discussion will be organized within each group.
- Give each group a topic for discussion.
- How does Perynn play with clichés about Brittany and rap in her video?
- What does being Breton mean to you today?
- What do you think of the reproaches that the “elders” make to the “young” people according to the song?
- Do we have the right to hijack and make fun of national anthems (Gainsbourg’s “La Marseillaise”, “the Sex Pistols God save the queen”, etc.)?
Each group should organise the discussion (moderator, distribute the arguments among the group members).
Each discussion will be played out in front of the rest of the class.
We want your feedback
Your opinion is important for us